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SharePoint Administrator Interview Questions and Answers

Is it possible to re create the same site collection after immediate deletion of this?

We can recreate the site collection after immediate deletion of site but before starts we have to perform either of the below two actions otherwise you will get the below exception: “A site collection with the same URL is already in the Recycle Bin” Action#1: Manually starts the “Gradual site delete:” timer Job.

Action#2: Return the “GradualDelete” parameter a $False in the PowerShell

I delete a site which has other sub sites. Now, is it possible to restore the deleted sub sites? I mean is it possible to restore the child sites without first restoring the parent sites.

Remember, Restore a child of site that has also been deleted, you need to restore the parent first. For example: If you try to restore “/sites/site1/subsite1/subsite2/sub3” before restoring the parent /sites/site1/subsite1/subsite2”, nothing happens.

Getting the exception “Specified method is not supported” while trying to delete the site?

Upgrade your databases to SP1.

What are all the minimal permissions required to restore the deleted items?

The deleted items can only view of their own and site collection administrator.

Recycle bin access permissions: Contribute , Design, and Full Control permissions.

What are all the permissions required to restore the deleted objects from the second stage of Recycle Bin?

Only the Site Administrator can restore objects from the site collection Recycle Bin.

You should have minimum site collection administrator permissions to restore the other’s deleted data from the Recycle Bin. Means the users who have deleted the content will be able to see the content in the recycle bin and next site collection administrators can view other’s data.

How many days the deleted content will be available in Recycle Bin?

The deleted object will stay in the Recycle Bin for 30 days by default.

After 30 days, the object is moved from the site’s Recycle Bin to a site collection Recycle Bin.

All together is 30days: If deletes the item from the first stage recycle bin after 10 days. It moves to second stage recyle bin and stays there another remanining 20days.

SharePoint Administrator Training

Which timer job cleans the recycle bin data if exceeded the time?

The “Recycle Bin” Timer job and it by default scheduled on daily basis in MOSS2007 and from 2010 onwards scheduled on weekly basis.

How to delete an item permanently from the SharePoint list?

Recycle () method: used for to move the items to the Recycle Bin

Delete () methods: used for to delete the items permanently.

What is the method to delete all the deleted site collections in web application?

Method to delete all the “deleted” site collections under a specified web application.

Who can view the 1st stage recycle Bin?

Minimum Permssions levels: Contribute, Design, or Full Control Permissions and site collection administrator.

How to delete site that has other sub sites sharepoint?

SharePoint will give error “you can’t delete a site that has sub sites when we try deleting a site having sub sites”.

Good tip to overcome this and delete the site along with sub sites is using Site content and structure

In SP2007: using stsadmcmd, you cannot delete the sub site if it contains other sub sites.

What is Recycle Bin in sharepoint?

SharePoint has introduced a new feature called Recycle Bin to keep the deleted items, documents. Speciality of this feature is we can easily restore the accidently deleted items and files from the Reycle Bin.

How can we restore the deleted sub site from the Recycle Bin in SharePoint 2007?

There is no direct way to restore the deleted sites from the Recycle Bin in SharePoint 2007. But there was a wonderful tool from Codeplex: Site Delete Capture http://governance.codeplex.com/ to back up sites automatically when they gets deleted, So that we can restore a deleted site collection in SharePoint 2007.

From the SharePoint 2010 onwards, we can restore the deleted sub site from the second stage of recycle Bin. If we delete the sub site, SharePoint will keep the deleted site in site collection recycle bin.

What is master page and use of it?

Masterpage provides layouts for set of pages. Master Pages are a template that other pages can inherit from to keep consistent functionality. The pages that inherit from Master Pages are referred to as content pages.

What are Content Pages?

Content pages are the ASP.NET pages that implement a Master Page. Content pages are normal ASP.NET pages that contain an attribute which informs the compiler that the page should be merged with a Master Page. This attribute is part of the page directive tag and is called the MasterPageFile

What all are content placeholders in master pages?

Master page in SharePoint contains Content PlaceHolders. Content placeholders are areas of replaceable content on the master page. The tag is <asp:ContentPlaceHolder>. A master page may define many ContentPlaceHolder controls; a page does not have to implement a corresponding content control. There are contentplaceholders like PlaceHolderMain, which displays the main body of the page. PlaceHolderLeftNavBar, which contains the Quick Launch bar on the left side of the page, PlaceHolderTopNavBar, which contains the Top Navigation tabs at the top of the page, and PlaceHolderSearchArea, which contains the page’s search controls.

Total number of Content place holder in default master page?

Total count: 33

How to properly hide Content Placeholders in your SharePoint Masterpage?

Move the place holders which are not to show in asp panel and set the attribute visible to false.

What is Master Page Gallery?

SharePoint master pages have their own list/library called the Master Page Gallery .To access a SharePoint master page gallery goes to a SharePoint site collectionà site settings à master page gallery.

Type of Master Pages in SharePoint

There are 3 main types of Master Pages in SharePoint

Site Master Pages

System Master Pages

Application Master Pages

Which are default master pages in SharePoint 2010?

v4.master – This is default master page

Default. Master – this is used to support the 2007 user interface

Minimal. Master

Simple. Master- it is used for accessdenied.aspx, confirmation.aspx, error.aspx, login.aspx, reqacc.aspx, signout.aspx & webdeleted.aspx pages

Difference between Default.master and v4.master?

V4.master: Default team site master page. Provides ribbon bar and other UI changes.


Site actions are updated for 2010 and appear on left.

Ribbon bar is available

Default.master: Sites upgraded from SharePoint 2007 use this unless they are changed to use a v4 version.


Site actions on right side and are same as SharePoint 2007 version

No ribbon bar

What is Page Layout?

Page layout dictates the overall look and feel of a web page. A page layout relies on a content type to determine the kind of content that can be stored on pages. Page layout contains field controls and web part.

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What is the Difference between Master Pages and Layout Pages in SharePoint?

Master pages and page layouts dictate the overall look and feel of your SharePoint site.

Differences are

Master pages contain controls that are shared across multiple page layouts, such as navigation, search, or language-preference for multilingual sites. Page layouts contain field controls and Web Parts

Page layouts can be used by all page instances that are based on that page layout. Master pages can be used by all page instances in a site.

What is Navigation in SharePoint 2010?

Site navigation provides the primary interface for site users to move around on the sites and pages on the site.

What is Ribbon interface?

Ribbon Interface act as the UI enhancement in the product. It provides the commands to be executed in the form of Icons and tabs.

February 8, 2020
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