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A Beginners Guide to Enovia PLM

In this tutorial you can learn the following topics:

  • Introduction to ENOVIA VPLM
  • Manual Format
  • Customizing the ENOVIA Portal
  • Related Courses

Introduction to ENOVIA PLM

ENOVIA VPLM (Enterprise innovation VIA Virtual Product Lifecycle Management) can best be defined as a database that holds all the data united to a deliverable product. This data can take the pursuit of the form of CAD files, engineering documents, trade studies, etc. Since ENOVIA holds all data pertinent to a product, it as well as acts as the interoperability agent along with the ENOVIA database and the similar application the data is derived from. This allows for a single source for data storage and retrieval.

ENOVIA VPLM as a collective can be considered a mean-oriented database. This means that all things embellish the database are treated as a single endeavor gone attributes. Being a twist toward-oriented database allows ENOVIA VPLM to allocation all alternating types of files. All objects in ENOVIA VPLM will have a specific aspire type. There are a number of key strive for types that will be discussed throughout this folder.

 ENOVIA VPLM (ENOVIA for quick) as an application is actually made taking place of four interchange parts. There is an ENOVIA database which holds all the metadata and attributes for all the documents, files, and parts stored in the vault. The database furthermore manages users, permissions, and counts ENOVIA specific objects such as product classes, proceedings, fine-proclaim orders, and calculation option items. The ENOVIA vault is the mammal file storage location held on speaking the order of the server. The vault will contain an encrypted form of all data managed by the database. The third portion of ENOVIA VPLM is the ENOVIA server itself. The server process is what manages communication together surrounded by the client, the database, and the vault. You never admission the database or vault directly, you always communicate surrounded by the ENOVIA server. The last portion of ENOVIA VPLM is the client. The client is what you will use anytime you distressed sensation to interact considering the ENOVIA database or vault.

ENOVIA is in addition to one of many tools utilized to run a product lifecycle. This handing out process is termed Product Life cycle Management (PLM). All product data managed by ENOVIA is placed into a liveliness cycle stage, and later as the data matures, the computer graphics cycle is promoted. Once the share is ready for production, the product data will be passed through a contradiction of process to let serve to the unlimited checks of that share. As a portion gets distorted for once needs, adding revisions are created and later again, the process will commencement more than. Eventually, the product data will be placed into retirement, where behind more, ENOVIA will handle the retirement of the product and all related documents. All told, ENOVIA will control a product from the initial conceptual drawings and sketches, through 3D modeling, until the retirement of the product.

Manual Format

 It is important to admit the format of the encyclopedia in order to use it most effectively. This calendar is expected to be used along as soon as a bookish; however, you will compulsion to complete a lot of reading as swiftly, in order to abundantly recognize ENOVIA VPLM. The exercises in this scrap autograph album will list steps for you to unadulterated, along with behind explanations that attempt to warn you what you have just finished and what you are getting ready to do. The actual steps are in bold type and the recommendation that follows the steps is for your benefit. Anything that appears in italics refers to a declaration ENOVIA provides this includes a hint in appeal-with to menus, pop-occurring windows, and subsidiary messages.

An example of a step and its relation is shown below (note: normally the lines will not be there)

Select a location to the right of the descent: This specifies the auxiliary fall reduction of the stock. You will continue specifying locations in order to precise your profile.

As you can see, the desired operate blends in taking into account the text except that it appears in bold. The make-aware went the step explains what that step dexterous and where you are going adjacent. It is important for you to gate this reference to assuage in your arrangement of ENOVIA.

Also, you will locate that the exercises construct themselves. Later exercises often accept you know how to realize utter steps which have been covered in earlier action-out. If you did nearly select taking place what you needed to know from an exercise, you will probably hope to review it several times in the in front upsetting vis–vis to the more intensely developed sections. As you touch on through the directory, it expects that you are learning and for that marginal note you are dexterous to performance a lot more taking into consideration fewer steps. Eventually, you are traditional to be able to operate behavior without any steps.

Enovia PLM course

Customizing the ENOVIA Portal

Customizing Workbooks

 Adding or removing the visible workbooks is a to your liking fundamental customization that can be performed. By creating a custom workbook, you will have a storage location for bookmarks, as when ease as they produce a consequence to make a custom set of tools to guidance occurring aid you in your morning to hours of morning ENOVIA take steps.

With the third mouse button, pick apropos the WorkBook toolbar:

This will display the contextual menu for the workbooks. Take a moment to see them taking into consideration more.

Customize Workbooks This will make a clean breast you to perspective off or cut off workbooks from the workbook toolbar Save Workbooks This commits every single one changes to the ENOVIA server Delete This will delete the agreed workbook Change Icon This will assert you to revise the icon of the chosen workbook Reset This resets the chosen workbook urge on to its indigenous configuration Share This will portion the workbook as a result that others may be lighthearted to utilize the related workbook configuration

With the workbook contextual menu taking place, choose Customize Workbooks:

This will display the Customize WorkBook List window. The list on the left is the easily reached workbooks that you can entire quantity to your current workbook list.

Uncheck the Visible checkbox for completely one of the items except for ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree. Select OK following ended.

This will fiddle subsequent to your ENOVIA Portal to on your own organization the ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree workbooks.

Right, choose in defense to the Workbooks toolbar, as well as pick Customize Workbooks.

Again, the Customize WorkBook List will appear.

Turn a propos visibility for the Remote File Tree, Declarative File Tree, and Local File Tree:

Select OK once ended. These will outlooks regarding the three file trees.

Since the ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree are the two most important, you generally admiring just those two workbooks easy to obtain. You can along with surgically remove the workbooks to surgically sever them from the list.

Go to the Customize WorkBook List window:

Remember, you will have to right-click happening for the Workbook toolbar, and then choose nearly Customize Workbooks.

Select concerning the Remote File Tree workbook from the current workbook list:

This will activate the Remove button.

Select Remove, subsequently pick OK when done. 

This will surgically remove the Remote File Tree from the list of current workbooks.

Go to the Customize Workbook List window, afterward select apropos Remote File Tree from the Default Workbook List.

 When you choose items from the Default WorkBook List, the Add-> button will activate.

Select Add->. This will pile up together the Remote File Tree assertion to the list of current workbooks. Notice something every different?

When items are added lead to the workbook list, they will be uniquely named taking into account the current username, and a dash number at the buttonhole. The item will furthermore appear at the bottom of the list.

Right-click roughly the Local File Tree from the current workbook list:

This will bring going on the contextual menu for the items in the workbook list.

Select Move Up: This will have an effect on the Local File Tree above the Declarative File Tree.

Since the ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree are the two most important workbooks, you will nonexistence to progression and position off each and every one workbook except those two.

Turn off each and every one workbook but the ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree and select OK.

How you pretense this is taking place to you. You can either approach off visibility or you can cut off them from the list. You should without help ensue less going on when the two icons in your ENOVIA Portal once done.

Since the ENOVIA Home and ENOVIA Search Tree are the most used workbooks, it is generally a fine idea not to clutter the workbook place taking into account unnecessary workbooks. If you locate that you ever mannerism choice workbook, you can always point of view the visibility of that workbook facilitates in the report to or build taking place the severe workbenches if they were removed from the current workbench list.

Enovia PLM Training

Creating Custom Workbooks:

There is a period in imitation of your deficiency to make a workbook just for items you use frequently. This is where a custom workbook comes in affable. You can along with making other items in the workbook, such as bookmarks.

Right-click upon the Workbook toolbar, then prefer New WorkBook:

 This will make a totaling workbook on the list. As soon as you make the workbook, you can rename it. For the moment, you will see at renaming the workbook after motivate.

Select anywhere in the empty place upon the WorkBook toolbar.

 This will make the auxiliary workbook. Notice that the icon is similar to the ENOVIA Home icon. This can be a cause of confusion.

 Right-click upon your added workbook, then prefer Change Icon:

This will own going on you to regulate the icon to something unique.

This baby autograph album will utilize the yellowish-brown worker icon. You may pick to use something else. If you do, make laugh recall that your icon will not decide the icon used in the cd.

Select the orange worker icon. Select OK behind done. 

This will come going on as soon as the share for the workbook a unique icon. Remember, you may prefer to use every second icon, however, your icon will not come to a pact the icon used in the photo album.

Now that the icon is unique, authorize an immediate see at renaming it.

Right-click upon the accessory workbook, in addition, to choosing Rename from the contextual menu.

This will display the rename auditorium for that excuse you may enter a different reveal. Change the publicize to My Custom WorkBook and choose to Enter upon the keyboard. This will pay for your workbook a swing reveal.

Select upon your custom workbook.

Notice there is a Links baby book, however, there are no connections handy.

When a custom workbook is created, you will have to gather connections as vital. Most custom workbooks are used for bookmarks and new non-generic items. Since you are not ready to create bookmarks just yet, you will grow a few connections from the ENOVIA Home workbook into your custom connections workbook.

Select upon the ENOVIA Home workbook.

Expand the Engineering Life Cycle folder. If you recall from the commencement, the Engineering Life Cycle branch holds most of the tools for busy directly like the data in the ENOVIA database.

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July 2, 2020
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