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A Basic Introduction to Vagrant

Introduction to Vagrant

Vagrant is a common tool for virtual machines management combined with a simple command-line interface. The tool is expected to make the entire process easy without polluting the main installation with tons of configuration files. In the backend, there is one Virtual Box utilized by the Vagrant tool to run virtual machines. A Vagrant box is just another term for virtual machines handled specifically by this utility. Vagrant supports Hyper-V, Docker, Virtual Box, and this tool can manage other machines like Amazon EC2, VMWare, etc., as well.

Basic Things Involved in Vagrant

•Synced Folders in Vagrant


•Vagrant Push


Synced Folders in Vagrant:

Synced folders were Vagrant to synchronize a folder on the host machine to the guest machine, permitting you to continue performing on your project’s files on your host machine, however, use the resources within the guest machine to compile or run your project.

Multi-machine in Vagrant:

§Vagrant is in a position that can be determined and manage the multiple guest machines per Vagrant file. This is often called a “multi-machine” setting. These machines are usually ready to work along or somehow related to one another. There are some use cases which individuals are performing multi-machine environments for today:

§Accurately modeling a multi-server production topology, like separating web and the data server.

§Modeling a distributed system and the way they move with one another.

§By Testing an interface, from API to a service component.

§Disaster-case testing: It performs the machines dying, network partitions, slow networks, inconsistent world views, etc.

Vagrant Push:

Vagrant is always capable of deploying or “pushing” an application code within the same directory as your Vagrant file to a remote like FTP server. Pushes are determined in an application’s Vagrant file and are invoked by using the vagrant push subcommand.

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Installation of Vagrant

•Beginning  stage version 1.0, Vagrant provides the two installation methods: packaged installers for supported platforms or a universal install with Ruby Gems. This installation process happens with the help of Gems. This methodology has 3 parts: 1. install VirtualBox, 2.install Ruby and   3. install Vagrant itself.

•VirtualBox is out there from the VirtualBox home page with builds for Windows, OS X, UNIX, and Solaris. Note that Oracle provides the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension to gain the transfer website that has extra options to the virtualizer. The Extension Pack contains a separate license and does not require to use Vagrant, however, the Box you were using was created with the help of the Extension Pack, you may also require to install the Extension Pack still.

•Ruby may be a common dynamically object-oriented scripting language. Ruby is being available out of the box in OS X, and most UNIX distributions even have a Ruby package were available. For Windows users, the RubyInstaller Project provides a simpler way to install the Ruby runtime.

•Ruby libraries and applications are available there in packages referred to as RubyGems or Gems. Ruby comes with a package management tool referred to as gem. For  Installing in Vagrant,  to run the gem command: >gem install vagrant

•Vagrant is a command-line tool. Calling vagrant without additional arguments will provide the list of available arguments.

•init – create the base configuration file.

•up – start a new instance of the virtual machine.

•suspend – suspend the running guest.

•halt – stop the running guest, similar to hitting the power button on a real machine.

•resume –  restart the suspended guest.

•reload – reboot the guest.

•status – determine the status of vagrant for the current Vagrant file.

•provision – Run the provisioning commands.

•destroy –  remove the current instance of the guest, delete the virtual disk and associated files.

•box – The set of commands used to add, list, remove, or repackage box files.

•package – It is used for the creation of new box files.

•ssh  – ssh will get moved to a running guest.

The reason led to the creation of Vagrant:

•For programmers, especially in the Python domain, “pip” and “virtual” are two popular commands that work perfectly to get all the stuff done. Let us understand these two commands in detail below.outside the Python world, “pip” is a package manager in the Python world that allows you to install modules and libraries super easily. Basically, it allows you ethically steal the code and get infinite power.

•Pip install Django

•With this simple command, now you are ready to use Django and create Django apps.

•Pip install flask

•The simple command, now you are ready to use Flask and create Flask apps. You must have a clear idea of the “pip” command and how it is useful. There may be some issues if you are using Windows, so try avoiding Windows operating system in that case. Buy MAC operating system or get a Virtual Machine installed as fast as possible.

•Virtualenv  command allows you to create a virtual environment. For example, the Django project does not need to know about the Flask project. So, you should create a separate virtual environment for both platforms first.

•Get your favorite OS: Getting your favorite OS is the first step when you start working on a project. MAC operating system is more mature than Ubuntu and VMWare. When You use other operating systems, they can slow down your system, and they are clunky too.

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•Native code generation: The code can run on any machine, and it is a big achievement for developers working with complex projects in a team. In this way, all developers can come together on a single page without any conflicts.

•Accelerate your software journey 10x:  Just get your stuff done fast and progress in your software journey 10x.

Provisioning Happens at Vagrant

Provisioning happens at certain points in the Vagrant environment:

•Initially the vagrant set up creates the environment, to make provisioning run. If this was already created and resuming a machine or booting it up, they will not run unless the provision flag is explicitly provided.

• Then vagrant provision is started using on a running environment.

 •When vagrant reload provision flag must be present to force provisioning.

Subcommands associated With  the Box Command

Command: vagrant box

The subcommands involved in the Box command were:








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